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  【OFweek电子工程网翻译 Laven】模拟和混合信号半导体产品供应商MagnaChip Semiconductor周五(27日)宣布收购半导体供应商Dawin Electronics公司。


  MagnaChip主席兼首席执行官Sang Park表示,Dawin公司的大功率模块将有助于提高MagnaChip在快速成长的IGBT市场的竞争力,扩大MagnaChip的电源解决方案组合。

  市场研究公司IHS iSuppli的报告显示,2011年IGBT市场规模预计达到41亿美元;在2011年到2015年间,有望以10%的复合年增长率成长。IGBT广泛应用于大中功率的商业和工业领域以及多种消费电子产品中。



MagnaChip buys IGBT module maker

Analog and mixed-signal chip vendor MagnaChip Semiconductor Corp. said Friday (Jan. 27) it entered into a definitive agreement to acquire privately-held semiconductor supplier Dawin Electronics Co. Ltd. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. 

Dawin, headquartered in Incheon, South Korea, makes insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), fast recovery diode (FRD) and MOSFET modules. The acquisition is expected to be completed by the end of March.

"Dawin''s high-power modules will enable MagnaChip to compete quickly and effectively in the high-growth IGBT market with a broader portfolio of power solutions for our customers," said Sang Park, MagnaChip''s chairman and CEO, in a statement. 

According to market research firm IHS iSuppli, the total IGBT market in 2011 was estimated to be $4.1 billion and is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 10 percent from 2011 to 2015. IGBTs are used in a range of medium- to high-power commercial and industrial applications and in many consumer appliances.

MagnaChip (Seoul, South Korea) said the acquisition of Dawin and its IGBT and FRD module technology is in line with the company''s goal of expanding into high-growth, high-margin markets. 

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